Welcome Assoc. Prof. Li Wei, Lanzhou Jiaotong University,China to be the TPC!

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Li Wei, Lanzhou Jiaotong University,China to be the TPC!


Assoc. Prof. Li Wei, Lanzhou Jiaotong University,China


Li Wei received a Ph.D. degree in Geodetic Surveying and Mapping Engineering from Wuhan University. He worked as an associate professor at the School of Geomatics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University. He is engaged in research on regional natural disaster monitoring and its mechanism analysis. He participated in the National Natural Science Foundation, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, "Young Scientific and Technological Talents Supporting Project" Project of Gansu Province, Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province, "Tianyou Youth Talents Supporting Project" Program of Lanzhou Jiaotong University, etc. Based on these projects, he published more than 10 papers in Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, Exploration Geophysics, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics, and other journals/conferences.

李伟,主要从事测量数据处理,地球物理研究。在团队带头人闫浩文教授指导下从事区域自然灾害监测及其机理分析方面的研究,目前主持中国博士后科学基金项目一项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目一项、面上项目一项,以第一/通讯作者发表相关学术论文11篇,其中5篇SCI检索,2篇EI检索,出版学术专著1部;获2020年甘肃省“青年科技人才托举工程”项目资助;获2020年兰州交通大学“天佑青年托举人才”项目资助;获“卫星导航定位协会教学成果二等奖”,发表相关教改论文2篇;担任《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》、《测绘学报》等国内外专业期刊审稿人。