Prof. Jingwei Hou,Hunan University of Science and Engineering,China
Jingwei Hou, male, Ph.D. majoring in geographic information science, professor and master's supervisor of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Engineering. The main research areas are GIS development and application, artificial intelligence, spatial simulation and optimization. Twenty-six projects of the national or provincial foundation were presided over and participated in. Two monographs, one software copyright, one local standard, and 54 academic papers were published. Peer reviewer of SCI Journals are served as, such as International Journal of Geographical Information Science、Arabian Journal of Geosciences、International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems、Environmental Monitoring and Assessment、Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management、Science of the Total Environment、Water Science and Engineering、IEEE Access、Information Processing in Agriculture、Desalination and Water Treatment、Environment, Development and Sustainability、Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
侯景伟,男,河南镇平人,地图学与地理信息系统专业博士,现为湖南科技学院教授,硕士生导师。主要研究方向为GIS开发与应用、人工智能、空间模拟与优化等。主持或参与国家级、省级项目26项,出版专著2部,地方标准1个,软件著作权1个,已发表学术论文54篇(其中SCI 25篇,EI 11篇,CSCD 12篇),担任15个SCI期刊的评审专家,例如International Journal of Geographical Information Science、Arabian Journal of Geosciences、International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems、Environmental Monitoring and Assessment、Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Environmental Management、Water Science and Engineering、IEEE Access、Information Processing in Agriculture、Desalination and Water Treatment、Environment, Development and Sustainability、Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Computer Systems Science and Engineering、Water Resources Research。